Our Groups at Barry's Fields

Football Seniors  ●  American Football  ●  Football Juniors  ●  Running  ●  Scouts & Duke of Edinburgh Awards Events ●  Tuesday Club ●  Walking Groups  ●  Youth Zone  ● 
Scouts and Duke of Edinburgh Awards Events
Barrys Fields Winterslow Salisbury Sports and Recreation Barrys Fields Winterslow Salisbury Sports and Recreation
You got what it takes?

The local Scouts, at all ages, are very well supported in Winterslow and have utilised Barry's Field for events, specifically a weekend camp under canvas enjoying open fires and wood craft instruction, but with the added bonus of having all the onsite facilities available.

The official Salisbury Scouts website has more information.
Barrys Fields Winterslow Salisbury Sports and Recreation
Barrys Fields Winterslow Salisbury Sports and Recreation
Barrys Fields Winterslow Salisbury Sports and Recreation
Barrys Fields Winterslow Salisbury Sports and Recreation